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The selector for this directive is:



historyService: AIPEmailBuilderHistoryService

This property is a reference to the AIPEmailBuilderHistoryService service.

factory: IPEmailBuilderConfig

This property is a reference to the IPEmailBuilderConfig configuration.

enableKeybinding: boolean

This property is a boolean that determines whether hotkeys are enabled for undo/redo.

isDisabled: boolean

This property is a boolean that determines whether the button is disabled.


keyDown(e: KeyboardEvent)

This method is called when a key is pressed. It binds the undo/redo actions to the Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Y, and Ctrl+Shift+Z hotkeys.


This method is called when the button is clicked. It calls the undo/redo action.


To use this directive, add the ipEmailBuilderHistoryAction attribute to an HTML element.

The value of the attribute should be either “redo” or “undo”.

You can also use the enableKeybinding property to enable or disable the hotkeys for undo/redo.

<button ipEmailBuilderHistoryAction="undo" [enableKeybinding]="true">Undo</button>
<button ipEmailBuilderHistoryAction="redo" [enableKeybinding]="true">Redo</button>