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The AIPEmailBuilderMiddlewareService provides middleware functions for email builder, allowing users to perform actions and prompts confirmation dialogs.


  • hasUndo: A getter that indicates whether the undo action is available.
  • hasRedo: A getter that indicates whether the redo action is available.
  • hasChanges: A getter that indicates whether changes have been made to the undo manager.
  • commitPush$: An observable that emits the commits made to the undo manager.


  • addHistory(id: string, diff: rdiffResult[], dirty = false): void: Adds an entry to the undo/redo history.
  • redo(): void: Redoes the last undo action.
  • undo(): void: Undoes the last action.
  • clear(): void: Clears the undo/redo history.


  • id: The id of the entry to add.
  • diff: The difference between the previous state and the current state.
  • dirty (optional): A boolean indicating whether the entry should be marked as dirty.


To use the AIPEmailBuilderHistoryService service, you need to inject it into your component, and then use its methods and properties to manage the undo/redo history of the email builder.

Here’s an example of how you can use the AIPEmailBuilderHistoryService:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { AIPEmailBuilderHistoryService } from 'path/to/email-builder-history.service';
import { rdiffResult } from 'recursive-diff';
selector: 'app-my-component',
templateUrl: './my-component.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./my-component.component.scss']
export class MyComponent {
private structureId: string = 'structure-1';
private structureDiff: rdiffResult[] = [{ /* your diff data here */ }];
constructor(private emailBuilderHistoryService: AIPEmailBuilderHistoryService) {}
onUndo() {
if (this.emailBuilderHistoryService.hasUndo) {
// undo the last action
console.log('Undo successful!');
} else {
console.log('No more undo actions available.');
onRedo() {
if (this.emailBuilderHistoryService.hasRedo) {
// redo the last undone action
console.log('Redo successful!');
} else {
console.log('No more redo actions available.');
onClear() {
// clear the history
console.log('History cleared!');

This example demonstrates how to use the AIPEmailBuilderHistoryService in your Angular application:

  1. Import the AIPEmailBuilderHistoryService and inject it into your component or service using Angular’s dependency injection mechanism.
  2. To add an entry to the undo/redo history, call the addHistory() method on the historyService, passing in the entry’s ID and the difference (rdiffResult) between the previous state and the current state.
  3. To undo the last action, check if the hasUndo property is true and then call the undo() method on the historyService.
  4. To redo the last undone action, check if the hasRedo property is true and then call the redo() method on the historyService.
  5. To clear the undo/redo history, call the clear() method on the historyService.
  6. To react to commits made to the undo manager, subscribe to the commitPush$ observable and handle the commit changes within the subscription.

Make sure to replace 'path/to/email-builder-history.service', with the actual paths to the AIPEmailBuilderHistoryService files.

By following these steps, you can effectively use the AIPEmailBuilderHistoryService in your Angular application to manage undo/redo functionality, clear the history, and react to commit changes in the undo manager.

{% hint style=“info” %} Note: There are two concrete implementations of the AIPEmailBuilderHistoryService: ProEmailBuilderHistoryService for the Pro version and FreeEmailBuilderHistoryService for the Free version.

The appropriate implementation will be provided automatically based on your configuration. {% endhint %}