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IPEmailBuilderUiService provides UI utilities for ngx-email-builder, with methods to manage settings and drop lists for columns/structures. It uses CdkPortal and CdkPortalOutlet and has an observable for the current settings portal.


  • columnsDropLists: A set of drop lists for columns in the email builder UI.
  • structuresDropLists: A set of drop lists for structures in the email builder UI.
  • currentSettingsPortal$: An observable for the currently attached settings portal.


  • attachSettingsPortal(portal: IPEmailBuilderSettingsDirective | null): void:Attaches a settings portal to the email builder UI.

Parameters:portal: The settings portal to attach.

  • setDefaultSettingsPortal(portal: IPEmailBuilderSettingsDirective): void:Sets the default settings portal for the email builder UI.

Parameters:portal: The default settings portal to set.

  • setSettingsPortalOutlet(portalOutlet: CdkPortalOutlet): void:Sets the settings portal outlet for the email builder UI.

Parameters:portalOutlet: The settings portal outlet to set.

  • portalOutletHasAttached(): boolean: Checks if the settings portal outlet has attached.

Returns: true if the outlet has attached, false otherwise.


Here’s an example of how you might use the IPEmailBuilderUiService:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { CdkPortal } from '@angular/cdk/portal';
import { IPEmailBuilderUiService } from '@wlocalhost/ngx-email-builder';
selector: 'app-email-builder',
template: `
<ng-template #settingsPortal>
<div>Settings Portal Content</div>
<ng-container *cdkPortalOutlet="uiService.currentSettingsPortal$ | async"></ng-container>
export class EmailBuilderComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(public uiService: IPEmailBuilderUiService) {}
ngOnInit() {
// Attach settings portal
const settingsPortal = document.querySelector('#settingsPortal');
if (settingsPortal) {
this.uiService.attachSettingsPortal(new CdkPortal(settingsPortal));
// Set default settings portal
const defaultSettingsPortal = document.querySelector('#defaultSettingsPortal');
if (defaultSettingsPortal) {
this.uiService.setDefaultSettingsPortal(new CdkPortal(defaultSettingsPortal));
// Set settings portal outlet
const settingsPortalOutlet = document.querySelector('#settingsPortalOutlet');
if (settingsPortalOutlet) {
this.uiService.setSettingsPortalOutlet(new CdkPortalOutlet(settingsPortalOutlet));
import { IPEmailBuilderUiService } from 'path/to/your/ngx-email-builder/ui/service';
constructor(private emailBuilderUiService: IPEmailBuilderUiService) {}
// Attach a settings portal
// Set the default settings portal
// Set the settings portal outlet
// Check if the settings portal outlet has attached
const hasAttached = this.emailBuilderUiService.portalOutletHasAttached();
// Subscribe to the currentSettingsPortal$ observable
this.emailBuilderUiService.currentSettingsPortal$.subscribe((currentSettingsPortal) => {
// Your logic here
  1. Import the IPEmailBuilderUiService and inject it into your component or service using Angular’s dependency injection mechanism.
  2. Inside your component, define the necessary HTML templates for your settings portal and settings portal outlet. The template should include the ng-template tag with a reference variable settingsPortal to hold the content of the settings portal. The cdkPortalOutlet directive is used to dynamically render the current settings portal inside the <ng-container>.
  3. Implement the OnInit interface in your component and define the necessary logic inside the ngOnInit lifecycle hook.
  4. Inside the ngOnInit method, perform the following tasks using the IPEmailBuilderUiService:
  • Attach the settings portal by passing a CdkPortal instance created from the settingsPortal DOM element using the attachSettingsPortal() method of the IPEmailBuilderUiService.
  • Set the default settings portal by passing a CdkPortal instance created from the defaultSettingsPortal DOM element using the setDefaultSettingsPortal() method of the IPEmailBuilderUiService.
  • Set the settings portal outlet by passing a CdkPortalOutlet instance created from the settingsPortalOutlet DOM element using the setSettingsPortalOutlet() method of the IPEmailBuilderUiService.

You can also use the IPEmailBuilderUiService in other parts of your application. Here are some actions you can perform using its methods:

  • Attach a settings portal by passing your settings portal instance to the attachSettingsPortal() method.
  • Set the default settings portal by passing your default settings portal instance to the setDefaultSettingsPortal() method.
  • Set the settings portal outlet by passing your settings portal outlet instance to the setSettingsPortalOutlet() method.
  • Check if the settings portal outlet has been attached by calling the portalOutletHasAttached() method. This method returns a boolean value indicating whether the portal outlet has an attached portal.
  • Subscribe to the currentSettingsPortal$ observable to get the currently attached settings portal. Inside the subscription, you can add your custom logic to handle the settings portal as needed. Remember to unsubscribe from the observable when you’re done using it to prevent memory leaks.

By following these steps, you can effectively use the IPEmailBuilderUiService in your Angular application to manage the settings portal and settings portal outlet for the email builder.

{% hint style=“info” %} Note: There are two concrete implementations of the IPEmailBuilderUiService: ProIPEmailBuilderUiService the Pro version and FreeIPEmailBuilderUiService for the Free version.

The appropriate implementation will be provided automatically based on your configuration. {% endhint %}